How To Prevent Kidney Stones?

How To Prevent Kidney Stones?

Kidney stone is a common condition affecting individuals of all age groups. Furthermore it’s a recurring problem with approximately 50% individuals experience a second episode after first occurrence. Though there are some individuals prone for kidney stones, majority experience it because of their lifestyle.

So what the precautions we can do to prevent kidney stones?

  • Drink adequate water according to the climate and lifestyle. Fluid intake should be increased to achieve at least 2.5l urine output daily.
  • Restrict salt intake.
  • Reduce the intake of animal proteins like beef, fish, chicken, port etc.
    Increase intake of fruits and vegetables.
  • Reduce intake of oxalate rich foods like chocolates, spinach, cashews, peanuts, and almonds etc.

These are the general lifestyle measure to reduce the occurrence of kidney stones. Remember once the stone is formed it’s impossible to dissolve it with medications. So if you have large symptomatic kidney stones consult your doctor and get it removed.

The stones which are very small and are detected incidentally during investigations can be ignored. As such, stones less than 5mm which is not obstructing kidney can be lfet without any treatment. Most of the times, they come out without any treatment. But sometimes even a 2mm stone can produce lot of pain and obstruct your kidney. So for that you will require to undergo intervention.

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