Kidney stones: Warning signs and symptoms, reasons, treatment; how to prevent

Kidney stones: Warning signs and symptoms, reasons, treatment; how to prevent

Are you at risk of developing kidney stones? Know if you are eating the right diet and warning signs of a kidney stone from an expert.

Kidney stones are solid mass made up of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. Kidney stones are formed when the urine becomes concentrated and minerals crystallise. This could be due to certain health conditions or having a salty diet with less consumption of water. They are mostly found in the kidneys or bladder. Kidney stones can run in the family too and although they are of different kinds, calcium stones are the most common. Larger the stone, the more problematic it is and causes a shooting pain. Kidney stones like many other chronic lifestyle diseases can be avoided by following a more active lifestyle, eating right, drinking plenty of water and adding foods like basil, celery, apples, grapes that help protect the kidneys. Read More

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